Monday, May 26, 2008

When everything goes wrong

There is a "law" called Murphy's Law, "whatever can go wrong will go wrong".


Murphy's Law ("If anything can go wrong, it will") was born at Edwards Air Force Base in 1949 at North Base.

It was named after Capt. Edward A. Murphy, an engineer working on Air Force Project MX981, (a project) designed to see how much sudden deceleration a person can stand in a crash.

One day, after finding that a transducer was wired wrong, he cursed the technician responsible and said, "If there is any way to do it wrong, he'll find it."

The contractor's project manager kept a list of "laws" and added this one, which he called Murphy's Law.

I was playing a video game (sports) with my son yesterday and I had an attack of Murphy's Law. Whatever I did or tried, the worst possible outcome was achieved. I got beat 5,000,000 to zero. As I reflected on this, it seems there are times whether work, personal or fun that Murphy's Law does attack and there is nothing that you can do to change it. I have had these experiences at work as well . . . no matter what you try, and how ever hard to try, the outcome goes negative . . . this is true with peridodic runs I have . . . just not a good run and feel yucky and can wait to get back home . . . but don't ever just give up!

So, we will always have a Murphy's Law experience, recognize it. However, we need to realize that the next day (or hour) will be better, shake it off and tried again later. Oh, and plan on playing my son again to for revenge!!!!!!!!!!!!

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