Tuesday, November 18, 2008


I woke up at a little before 5am this morning.

I decided to get a run in . . . before the day really started.

It was dark (although the full moon was nice).
It was cold. (in the 30's)
No ipod today.
No running with the dog.
It was extremely quiet.

Lots of things are on my mind, I might be making some significant decisons soon. As I ran, I thought about each issue and "addressed" them and then went to the next issue. As I was ending the run . . . I was "my goodness I am already back home that was quick". It was a very productive run (although not as nice as my run in Bordeaux on Sunday, running through the vineyards of St Emillon).

What's the point? Well, sometimes as leaders or professionals, you just need "quiet time", no phones, meetings, disruptions . . . to set aside a time to focus on those issues that you are failing in finding time to address. I like to focus on these during my runs, others like other activities (biking, swimming, etc.) or going to a library or quiet room. It is sometimes hard to find time during these busy days, but don't forget to take the time. You will feel much better afterwards. I did. Run On!

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