Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Get Back UP!

So many times during your career (and mine), you will feel knocked down or frustrated or just plain stressed out because of a worry. Just face it, it is part of work (and life).

Vince Lombardi (famous American Football Coach) said "It's not whether you get knocked down, it's whether you get up".

Here are some things to do when frustrated or faced with disappointments.

Take a hike (or a run or a swim or a bike ride) to calm down, reflect and develop a strategy on how to address the issue. I run. It is amazing how fast the run goes by when you are thinking about addressing an issue (versus thinking how hard that hill ahead is going to be on your legs). Plus, you do come up with some dedicated time to think about the issue and I find innovative resolutions appear.

Never respond immediately to a frustrating email or someone's comment/action. Take a deep breath, count to ten and think about how others will take what you are going to do or say. As a leader, it is your responsibility to lead people out of disappointment rather than into it!

Most of us are not in life or death situations, it is not the end of the world so dont act like it is. Be sure and maintain the proper perspective.

These are the pot calling the kettle black because I struggle with these myself from time to time, but it is top of mind.

Here is someone's suggestion for dealing with worries:

When you have a worry, write it down and place it into a jar and forget about it, until once a week, you open the jar and worry about your worries. When its no longer a worry, remove it from the jar. You will see less and less worries in the jar!

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