Friday, October 31, 2008

Damn it, would you make a Decision!

Too many times, it takes too long to decide on major or even minor actions. Yes, decisions deserve careful study, gathering of the facts, assessing alternatives, but after all the analysis, the leader/manager who hesitates too long will be lost. Competition may overtake you and a late excellent decision may be no better than an early good decision.

In support of the World Series of baseball, let's use a baseball analogy.

Decision making is difficult, but can be very rewarding. The person who steps into the decision maker's batter's box confidently, challenges the pitcher, and takes the best swing is more likely to get the extra base hit than the person who is not confident, prone to be overpowered, and simply seeks to not look bad.

In the end, the ultimate test of an executive is their judgement and ability as indicated in the decisions they make, and how they make, implement, assess, and fine-tune or change them.

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