Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Silent Majority

How many meetings have you been to where there is one person who speaks louder than everyone else? Consequently, it is so loud that you feel that this is the majority opinion of all in the room.

As a leader, it is important to focus on more than the vocal few (whether clients, staff, other leaders, etc.). If you don't and remain based upon the few, you just might be making decisions based upon limited and sometimes wrong information. Get out there! Talk to people and ask questions, gather feedback and input from those that are not as vocal (or what I call the silent majority). If more people support the vocal few, you will be more confident in your strategic decisions. If they do not support the vocal few, learn what are the real issues and maybe you need to segment your clients or staff to address different issues.

Yes, it is hard work to gather feedback. It is easy to listen to just a few. Do your diligence and you will be more successful for it!

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