Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Enthusiasm is key to success of anything you do (whether leading a business, accomplishing a project, playing a sports match, teaching an education event, etc.). If you are not liking what you are doing (i.e, nonchalant), I am sure you will not reach optimality. When I have hired, I prefer hiring enthusiastic people even over a smarter or more skilled individual. When I want to be on a team, I want to join a team that has the most enthusiasm. You know those enthusiastic people, they are the ones that you want to report to or ones where you want to join their lunch table.

To do something at your best, you need to be enthusiastic! So, jump in with both feet, be passionate and have fun.

I found this quote by Edward Butler:

"Every person is enthusiastic at times. One person has enthusiasm for thirty minutes - another person has it for thirty days, but it is the person who has it for thirty years who makes a success in life."

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