Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Getting it Done!

You have been there . . . lots of great conversation that leads to a wonderful future goal. Then . . . achievement never happens. Everybody in that discussion goes back to their "day jobs", nothing changes. Six months go by, still not done. A year goes by and another set of conversations confirm this goal that will change our business. Time continues to go by, but nothing is realized.

Wishing for something to happen, will not get it done! You must act. Whether this means adding appropriate resources or redeploying resources to make sure the goal is achieved. Someone once said, Craziness is doing the same thing but expecting different results.

There are several reasons why goals are never reached, lack of resources, lack of focus, misspecification, poor execution. Over the past many years, I have found that a lack of planning is the number one reason why goals are not reach (whether a business goal or personal goal).

It reminds me of a phrase . . .

"A goal without a timeframe or a plan is only a dream"

So, quit dreaming and set a plan with specific dates if you want to accomplish your goal! Today could be your first day of beginning to reach your goal.

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