Wednesday, November 12, 2008


When you think back about the top three moments (i.e., good things that happened to you, your team, your unit) in your business life, what is the common theme? Think about it.

They probably were not events that you were handed "the moment" . . .

It probably was not something that was totally planned or expected . . .


It was something that you (and your team) were working hard. You were "going for it". It might have been risky because you did not know the ultimate outcome would be. The moment happened because it was a nice surprise from good work (and maybe a litle luck -although I believe you make your own good luck).

So remember, if you want more moments, Go for it. Be a little risky (yes, that risk reward balance).

Usually, when we have moments, we do not celebrate enough . . . so celebrate celebrate celebrate! They are too far and few between.

Now, what are you waiting for . . . go make a moment!

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