Monday, November 10, 2008

Need Direction

Persian Proverb: When it is the darkest, you can see the stars!

When I have been in the bleakest of times, times where I was in the droldrums .. . I have found direction. The old saying, "light at the end of the tunnel". So, realize if you have been laid off or currently feel frustrated, you are in the right time to search for your new direction. Don't despair! There will be a light at the end of the tunnel.

At the darkest time, it is time that allows you to think differently and look inside yourself to find what you what your life to be.

This could also be when you, as a leader, lead a business which is not doing well. It is a wonderful time to look for a new or renewed direction for the business. You may have to take a few steps back to move forward again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the quote. A good reason to get far enough away from the lights so you can see the stars.