Monday, April 7, 2008

Lessons Learned

I thought I would repost one of my last postings from the previous blog . . .

Well, by now, everyone should know that I leave in seven days. I still cannot believe. I would like to thank many of you for your well wishes and kind words, I continue to be humbled by your
thoughtfulness. You all are one of a kind.

This blog has been going on for some time and thought I would provide my top twelve lessons learned
from past blogs . . . so here I go . . .

1. Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free (things dont always appear as they are, seek
the truth and you will be better from it)
2. Be passionate about what you do (find your flow), as it wont feel like “work” then
3. Whatever you do, as parent, manager, analyst, sportsman . . . give 100%, you don’t want to wish in
the future you had not given your best!
4. Family Always Before Work
5. Life is Short, Don’t forget to enjoy it
6. Nobody on their death bed, wished they had worked more . . .
7. Make the Best decisions you can given the information you have, inaction will destroy
8. We all make mistakes, just make sure you learn from them
9. The will to win cannot be beat (sometimes just trying is victory)
10. Work hard, play hard
11. Celebrate Wins and Successes, understand losses
12. Dont wear a wet suite, wait until the water is warm enough!

Cheers all . . .


coffeechee said...

If you were to deliver the last lecture to us (knowing that you are going to die), what will the last lecture be?

Steve said...

Interesting question, here is my quick view on what I would summarily say,

live life to the fullest,

never have any regrets,

spend as much time as possible with family members and your closest friends (they are your legacy)